Real Estate Owner-Operators

When Is the Optimal Time to Install Water Leak Detection in Offices?

Water leak detection plays a critical role in mitigating damage & downtime in offices. Discover 4 optimal times to install a new solution in your building.

Water leak detection solutions are a critical part of office buildings’ infrastructure. Whether you’re worried about leaks from HVAC units, appliances, risers, or industrial equipment, early detection is the best defense against expensive damage and downtime.

Choosing the right water leak detection solution is one thing - but actually installing it is another. Protecting your office building from water leak-related damage and downtime is critical - but so is tenant satisfaction and your bottom line.

With this in mind, we’ve identified 4 optimal times to install a new water leak detection solution, whether you’re working with a Cat A space, or retrofitting an existing fit out.


1. In the wake of a significant or catastrophic water leak

If you’ve just experienced a significant water leak - by which we mean one that has caused sufficient damage to justify an insurance claim - it’s likely that you’ll find broad support for implementing a new water leak detection solution.

From an organizational perspective, the cost of damage and downtime will be fresh in everyone’s mind. And in practical terms, installing a new solution as part of repairs makes a lot of sense.

Still sensing reluctance? Use this as an opportunity to run a pilot for water leak detection in the affected area, with a goal of expansion upon successful completion.


Potential risks

  • Not having already identified a robust solution for the affected area, causing the window of opportunity to close, or a rushed decision to be made. Preempt this by proactively creating a shortlist of desirable solutions to draw from.

  • Pushing for a full solution rollout without in-the-field proof, or data to demonstrate ROI. Solve this by working with vendors on a pilot, and calculating payback.

Mashup of an office rendering and photo


2. During development, renovation, and refurbishment

Development, renovation, and refurbishments offer ideal windows to install water leak detection in offices. Using the scheduled downtime already caused by construction and refurbishment to install water leak detection solutions is a clear win, with no inconvenience caused to tenants.

In these cases, you want to aim for post-Cat A fit outs: buildings that have all the main infrastructure installed, but still have significant work to be done cosmetically.

Whether you’re aiming for a Cat A+ fit out for plug-and-play tenants, or you’re going for a high end Cat B fit out custom to your tenants, this is an ideal window for you to install water leak detection. Typically, you’ll still have access to underfloor spaces, and can install them before floor coverings are applied and furniture is moved in. Devices can be installed at the same time as kitchens, washrooms, and appliances.

Potential risks

  • Complex and time-consuming installations will create a bottleneck that can have a negative impact on the overall renovation or refurbishment project. Mitigate this risk by selecting a suitable water leak detection solution that offers a quick and simple installation process.

  • Last minute floorplan changes can make removal and reinstallation a challenge. In some cases, a change in specification may require different solutions or devices. Solve this by choosing a water leak detection solution that can be re-positioned easily, and that covers a broad range of use cases for the spaces you want to protect.

Build-out of internal walls for an office


3. During the downtime between tenancies

The time in between tenancies is already commonly used for maintenance and cosmetic repairs. Using this downtime to retrofit water leak detection solutions is an ideal way to further protect the premises without inconveniencing tenants.

While the level of repairs undertaken during this period doesn’t typically take a building back to a post-Cat A fit out, there’s still more latitude to gain access to concealed or inconvenient locations that are also the sources of water leaks. And with no tenants to disturb, facilities management teams have more time to install devices in all areas.

Potential risks

  • Not all water leak detection solutions are suitable for retrofitting. Some require significant volumes of space; others demand installation that results in significant additional repairs to the fabric of the building. Solutions that are smaller and don’t require wired power or specific fixing methods are much more practical for retrofitting.

  • Minimizing downtime is critical to any real estate owner operator, so any retrofitting project has to be accomplished quickly, well within schedule. Choose a solution that is truly retrofittable, and that can be installed quickly.

Person drywalling an office


4. Before periods when you anticipate water leaks

Implementing a water leak detection solution before a leak-prone period is an ideal way to test its effectiveness. And if a building has been under consistent management for a few years, you probably have either data, or a general sense of when water leaks more commonly occur.

It might be seasonal. For example, over summer when HVAC units are in heavy use and leak water. Conversely, in winter, pipes are more likely to freeze and burst, leading to water leaks as temperatures rise a little.

You might find that water leaks occur in relation to changes in tenant occupancy or staffing levels, particularly if manual inspections are the main or only method of leak detection currently employed.

Potential risks

  • Choosing a solution that doesn’t serve the use case you want to address. Mitigate this by being explicit with vendors about the water leaks you want to detect.

  • Not generating water leak detection data that proves the success of the solution. Work with vendors to ensure you can report back on the number of leaks, where they occurred, and even how the leaks grew over time.

Learn how to (retro)fit water leak detection solutions to protect your office buildings from damage and downtime

Book a call with our team for a personalized consultation.

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