The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to revolutionize the way we interact with our environment, and smart surfaces are at the forefront of this change. Smart walls, in particular, have the potential to optimize energy consumption, increase efficiency, and enhance the overall comfort of buildings.
According to Deloitte, IoT sensor deployment is projected to reach 1.3B in the near future, and smart walls will play a crucial role in this growth.

Smart walls will help to build the future of smart buildings
Smart walls, utilizing applied surface technologies, are designed to enhance the efficiency and comfort of buildings. They can be used for temperature and light adjustment, occupancy sensing, and even as heating elements or lighting controls. They can also be used to create responsive interfaces, which can improve the overall experience of the occupants. With LAIIER's technology, smart walls can be built with integrated printed sensors that are fundamentally anonymous, allowing occupants to remain unidentified.

Right now, the solution isn't working
Currently, the technology used to create smart walls is limited and often costly. The existing solutions typically involve the use of cameras, microphones, and motion sensors that can be cumbersome and expensive to install. LAIIER, a company at the forefront of smart surfaces technology, has developed an alternative that offers a more cost-effective and easier-to-integrate solution for smart walls.

LAIIER goes where other sensor technology cannot
The technology behind LAIIER's printed sensor solutions is a combination of capacitive sensing and conductive inks. This technology can be used to make any surface smart, including walls. It allows for reprogrammable interaction and intelligence to be built directly into the walls, floors, and surfaces around us. With this technology, there is no need to add wires and sensors to a wall to build interfaces as the underlying functionality can be printed onto these surfaces, ready to be programmed or activated as per the user's specific needs.
The goal is to build smart instead of adding smart
LAIIER's Dynamically Functional Surfaces technology is accessible to both individual consumers and industrial partners. It can be used for prototyping specific use cases or building solutions into a portfolio or supply chain. The goal of LAIIER is to create smart buildings that make use of IoT and smart materials. We envision a future where our surroundings are enhanced with intelligence, providing a more comfortable, efficient, and interactive environment for all.
In summary, smart walls are a crucial component of the future of IoT. They have the potential to increase the efficiency and comfort of buildings, but the current technology is costly and cumbersome to install. LAIIER's printed sensor solutions offer a more cost-effective and easier-to-integrate alternative, which makes use of capacitive sensing and conductive inks to make any surface smart. This technology can be used to build smart buildings and create reprogrammable interaction and intelligence directly into walls, floors and surfaces to provide an interactive and comfortable environment.